141 Cataract Patients To Get Free Surgery After 2 -Day Free Medical Mission In Ikorodu

Mariam Akinolye & Joy Fanon (SIWES Student)

-IKODASS Chairman charges residents on care for their sights

An official (standing left) addressing beneficiaries of the IKODASS and Ikorodu Eye Foundation free eye test and cataract surgery at the Ikorodu Town Hall on the second day of the free medical mission

After 2 – day free medical screening which involved free eye tests and free Cataract Surgery, organized the Ikorodu – Oga Development Association (IKODASS), in partnership with the Ikorodu Eye Foundation, 141 residents were discovered to be suffering from cataract.

The diagnosed patients will get free surgery at the Eye Foundation Clinic, Sabo, Ikorodu at different dates which have been issued to them.

About 800 residents from the six councils in Ikorodu Division, turnout for the medical mission held at the Ikorodu Town Hall, with over 400 attended on Wednesday, and over 200 on Thursday.

220 beneficiaries were presented with free reading glasses.

Beneficiaries, who were pleased with the level of organisations, commended the IKODASS initiative which has been running for four years.

Meanwhile, Mr Rotimi Erogbogbo, the Chairman, IKODASS, has charged residents on the need to pay close and good attention to their eyes and seek medical care as soon as they discover any challenge.

He specifically called on parents to closely monitor their children and wards, and ensure that they get necessary care for their sights, because of the rampant cases of eye challenge among the children and the young ones.

Mr Rotimi Erogbogbo, Chairman IKODASS (standing) monitoring the process

“The turnout yesterday (Wednesday) was massive. You can see we are just rounding off for today.

“They attended to over four hundred people yesterday (Wednesday), and we have discovered hundred people suffering from cataract disorder and which of course will get free surgery. Some of them are already at Eye Foundation Clinic this morning (Thursday). Free glasses were given to those who are short sighted for reading,

“So far, so good, the program has been successful. It was a wonderful program, and to me, it is a massive one. It also shows that there are a lot of people in Ikorodu, that are suffering from eye problems and which give for concern, because when you have high percentage of people living in Ikorodu, and are suffering from eye problems, we should not play with it.

“I will encourage organisations concerned that we should do more of enlightenment, and we are already looking for more people that can collaborate with us. That is why you see Eye Foundation collaborating with us to tackle the challenges.

“This has been our efforts since the last four years, since we have been at the hlems of affairs here (at IKODASS) So, this is not the first time we are doing this.

“I want to appeal to our people that have been given dates, to ensure that they honour the dates. If we have one thousand people for the cataract, we will do the surgery free for them”.

A medical personnel attending to beneficiaries

“Activities for the surgery, have commenced, with some tests and that’s why they asked them to come down to their clinic at Eye Foundation”, Mr Erogbogbo said.

While charging residents, especially parents on the need to take proper care of their children’s eyes, the IKODASS Chairman sad:

“My message to other people out there is that, they should take the care of their eyes seriously, and they should endeavour to go to the General Hospital, if there is any challenge that they are facing with it, if they cannot afford the cost at the private hospital. The eyes, they say, are lamp. So, take care of it”.

“I also have to enjoin young people in particular that they should take good care of their eyes. You can see that there are children and young people too among the elderly and others that came for the screening. This problem is common among them and their parents should look after their children’s eyes”, he appealed to parents.

Mrs Aminat Oyelade from Igbogbo, commended the organisers for the organization.

“My husband came here yesterday (Wednesday) to register us and we are here today for the screening and they responded very well to us.

“I came for the free screening and they have given me glasses and recommended drugs”, she said

Another beneficiary, Alhaji Idowu Aare from Itundegun in Ikorodu, also lauded the program.

“The programme is a good one and encouraging, because it not rowdy. Their staff are patient enough to attend to patients.

“I appreciate the organisers because they have done something good.

“I came for the eyes test, but I was told that I have to come back to the hospital to see the doctor, because my sight is different. They prescribed drugs to use. I will be going to the hospital next week”.

Mr Adesina Ogunkoya, another beneficiary from Eyita in Ikorodu, while thanking the organisers, said that he was diagnosed of cataract.

“I came for both eyes screening and they said I have cataract. The lady said I should come to their office on the 15th of this month, for re-checking and possibly operation.

Mrs Yemi Masha, who lives in Lowa, Ikorodu, said that she was given reading glasses, while she thanked the organisers.

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